Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Let's talk a bit about what we can do to optimize our health. This is going to be a list of a few quick ideas to get started on optimizing one's health. It would be good to try utilizing a new idea each week, eventually building up to healthy lifestyle which will lead to a happier and longer life.

  • Eat healthy. While a lot of diets have an 'all or nothing' mindset, its not always as clear-cut as one would imagine. I think we all have a basic idea of what is good and what is not. A lot of diets advocate shopping on the 'outside' of a supermarket. Eat more fruits and vegetables, healthy meats and dairy products, and whole grains. While this may sound monotonous, We pretty much do this already. Most processed foods are just combinations of the same few ingredients, sugar, refined grains (wheat and corn are the main ones) with artificial colors and sweeteners added to make the same ingredients more palatable. Do this on your own, and you have more control over what goes into your body, and save money in the meantime.Using this simple rule, you can come up with many ideas for healthy, nutritious meals.

  • Move. Exercise plans are marketed as having the 'secret' to fitness, but its not really any more complicated then getting out and using your body to perform in a physical manner. Any exercise is better then no exercise. Start out small, doing as much as you can. Walk during a lunch hour, or maybe before and/or after work. It may seem bothersome at first, but after a few weeks you will feel the difference, and increased tolerance to exercise provides the ability to perform everyday tasks with ease that once may have been difficult to perform.

  • Keep positive! So many of us are surrounded by negative influences in life. Whether it be a family member who likes to place a negative spin on life, an advertising ad poisoning our minds to think we are inadequate unless we purchase a certain product, or our own feelings of hopelessness, this kind of thinking prevents us from achieving the great things we can achieve in life. Do not hesitate in doing whatever you can to turn this influence into momentum for change. By removing negativity in our life, we are propelling ourselves to a more rewarding and fufilled life.
These are just a few ideas to get you started on thinking about how you can improve your life.